We are delighted to welcome Antonia Reichwein and Margarita Udovychenko on board as election managers. They started working in March and have taken on the roles of managing client and setting up elections. In an interview with the pair, we asked what was the attraction of online voting and how the first few weeks have been.
Hi you two! How have the first couple of weeks been at POLYAS?
Margarita: Very informative, extremely full but also very interesting. I have had a lot of input from my colleagues and have, upon occasion, wondered if it is possible to hold off the information about different election procedures in my head. But this is precisely why we have our team – what one person might not know, another is always able to clarify.
Antonia: It was fascinating to see how prevalent and complex elections are in Germany and across the world, with various different aspects that need to be managed. It is also great to immerse oneself into a series of interesting tasks and to slowly develop into an election expert.
What was it about online elections that peaked your interest?
Antonia: During my degree, I had already learned quite a bit about the field of eGovernance and specialised in sustainability and digitalisation. To combine these aspects while at the same time strengthen the democratic process which, in light of recent political developments, was something that was particularly interesting for me.
Margarita: For me, a product which is an added value for society rather than just another sales product is fascinating. I think it is interesting that at the moment we are in the process of the digitalisation of democracy through online elections. I am sure that in 10, 20, 30 years we will rarely have the need for paper-based elections. It is easy to see that we are shaping the future with our work.
Describe a typical day at POLYAS!
Antonia: Every day is different which keeps it interesting. The days when elections end and the results are released are the ones that really stay with you.
Margarita: Online elections are becoming increasingly prevalent and you notice that especially at POLYAS. My entire workday revolves around elections: I answer questions, research election regulations, keep up to date on the current laws and of course conduct and manage elections. The most important thing for me is that at the end of the day you have the feeling that you have learned something new.
What are your biggest challenges?
Margarita: To be a good election expert and contact person. In addition to general information on the subject, we must also deal with the legal aspects of online elections. We also have to know our way round our election software flawlessly.
Antonia: I would completely agree with Rita. Understanding and communicating the technical and legal aspects of online elections is definitely a challenge. I guess that’s what makes working as an Election Manager so interesting.
What is is like to work as an election manger at POLYAS, in general?
Antonia: Every day is just as interesting as the last.
Margarita: I also think that our work will never become boring. Elections are complex, just like our work. However, I think that finding simple solutions to complex issues is what makes work as an election manager so particular. Working in a youthful company in a dynamic team is also fun and engaging.
More than 5 million people have already cast digital votes with POLYAS.
Contact us to learn more about how online elections can help you!