22 April is Earth Day, a time to think about protecting the environment. However, environmental protection measures need not always require cutting back. It is worth questioning common daily routines and using modern technology. Take voting and ballots for instance: Online elections cause a significantly lower level of emissions of the greenhouse gas CO2 than customary postal votes and are thus more environmentally friendly. This is attested by a study from ClimatePartner.

Holding an election electronically saves up to 96 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions as opposed to a postal vote. This is because an online election does not require production, printing and postal delivery of voting documents. Projected onto the number of authorised voters who partially receive a large amount of voting information, costs and effort may also be avoided while the environment is preserved.

About Anna-Maria Palzkill

As a communication scientist I am interested in the impact of technics on life among politics and economics. I want to trace nuances and am not afraid of big words.