More and more municipalities count on digital communication services to involve the public. Hence, many municipalities have already created or plan to establish online participation and consultation platforms. However, can these measures help increase public participation? More transparency = more public participation The internet offers various possibilities to take part in different debates and discussions […]

In the second part of our series on digital democracy, we are looking at liquid democracy. Liquid democracy is a fascinating modern take on participation and the form democracy could take in the future. Read on for a short introduction. Liquid Democracy – What is it & How It Works  Liquid democracy is in essence a mix […]

Digital Democracy

In 2015 the speaker’s commission published a report “Open Up!” recommending a series of changes and policy recommendations to keep parliament up to date in today’s digital world. Some of the changes were radical, some were less so and most of them made sense. The report gives us a fantastic starting point from where we can explore Digital Democracy further in the coming weeks. Continue reading

Read what we are planning to do in 2017 and how we will improve digital democracy

2017 is around the corner and it’s going to be an exciting year for POLYAS and digital democracy. New projects, new technology and new locations are on the horizon. In 2017 we will continue with our successes from 2016. Continue reading

Donald Trump and his Twitter Account

Politics and elections campaigns are unimaginable without social networks. Yet Donald Trump, President-elect of the United States, has made Twitter into a political issue. He opts for a strategy which is completely different from his predecessors and lacks any clear vision.

His tweets shocks opponents and make his supporters cheer. How does it look on probably most the famous Twitter account in the world?  Continue reading

non-voters: part of democracy

Many studies have attempted to find out who the non-voters are and what motivates them. All this information is gathered in order to find a solution to increase voter turnout. Continue reading

We are still in the very beginnings of the Internet. Let’s use it wisely.


Jimmy „Jimbo“ Wales, Founder of Wikipedia.
Polyas Goes Canada

Look like we are going to have to brush up on our French and don our thickest winter jackets, because POLYAS is going to Quebec. More specifically, we will be heading to the International Summit of Cooperatives as part of our efforts to expand globally. From October 11th-13th, come visit us at our kiosk at […]

Protect the environment with Polyas

You can do a lot to protect the environment: turn off the electricity when it isn’t needed, use your car less often, do recycling and vote online. Online voting not only saves time and money, it also decreases CO2emissions. Continue reading

The debate about data retention has made many people aware of the topic of IT security. The call for laws surrounding digital sovereignty grows. Continue reading

Digital News

We have the chance to turn the trademark “Made in Germany” into a synonym for responsible and high quality technology which stands the test of time – in contrast to the internet giants.
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A day for democracy! The United Nations created the International Day of Democracy in 2007. Each year on 15th September we look at the state of democracy around the world.

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