non-voters: part of democracy

Before every election, the appeals come to be part of the democratic process. They are directed at eligible voters to take up on their right to vote. These appeals are spread by politicians, artists and acquaintances. Continue reading

DDoS-Angriffe Prävention und Funktionsweise

Many Telekom customers in Germany had to live without internet and telephone on the weekend. Hackers tried to install malware on 900,000 routers and integrate them into a botnet. Presumably to carry out DDoS-attacks. Fortunately, this did not work out thanks to a badly programmed software. However, DDoS-attacks with web-enabled devices have already caused great sensation in 2016. Foremost the attack on the DNS-provider DYN in October this year.  Continue reading

non-voters: part of democracy

Many studies have attempted to find out who the non-voters are and what motivates them. All this information is gathered in order to find a solution to increase voter turnout. Continue reading

Polyas goes to SMAU in Italy

The team at POLYAS have been quite busy this October. After attending conferences in Canada and Ireland, we’ve now crossed the Alps to take part in SMAU 2016. SMAU is the biggest tech convention in Italy – where innovation, IT and technology come face to face with various institutions and corporations. POLYAS is represented there by two of our colleagues who’ve set up a stand at the event.

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Zusammen mit de re:publica fliegen wir nach Dublin

For the past ten years, re:publica has taken place in Berlin and become an institution for internet activists. Now the event series ventures overseas.
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Winning Candidates in Cooperatives' Election organization

Delegates and board of directors elections are an important part of democracy in cooperatives. Tradition and digital opportunities are well to combine as research by POLYAS suggests. Continue reading

non-voters: part of democracy

When it comes to non-voters, politicians and media representatives ask themselves the question: why do people forego their right to vote? What are their reasons? It seems interesting to learn more about the motives for voter abstention and what could be done to counteract this development.  Continue reading

non-voters: part of democracy

Non-voters go against our understanding of democracy. People have fought around the globe for centuries to be part of the democratic process. Even today, some are still fighting for that right. Being able to cast one’s vote in an election is important for every citizen.
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Protect the environment with Polyas

You can do a lot to protect the environment: turn off the electricity when it isn’t needed, use your car less often, do recycling and vote online. Online voting not only saves time and money, it also decreases CO2emissions. Continue reading

The debate about data retention has made many people aware of the topic of IT security. The call for laws surrounding digital sovereignty grows. Continue reading

Digital News

We have the chance to turn the trademark “Made in Germany” into a synonym for responsible and high quality technology which stands the test of time – in contrast to the internet giants.
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