Whilst not yet in use at the federal election level, online voting in Canada has been in operation in certain elections for over a decade. In this blog post we take a look at the current online voting landscape in Canada and the likely future trend. Continue reading
The history of credit unions depicts an important change in financial and cooperative services. In the 19th century, credit unions started to offer affordable banking and loan services to customers and paved the way for a fairer financial market. Read more about the history of credit unions in our second blog article.
The controversy surrounding alleged Russian interference in the recent US presidential election has brought security in elections to the fore. In previous blogs on the topic, we’ve looked at some of the theory and practice of foreign intervention in elections. This week we turn our attention to online election security in our fourth and final post in this series. Continue reading
Meddling in foreign elections is a major topic as investigations continue into potential Russian interference in the 2016 US election and collusion with the Trump campaign. In this edition of our blog series on foreign election interference, we look at the allegations made against Russia. Continue reading
The allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 US elections have led to a series of investigations into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. In this installment of our blog series on foreign election interference, we examine the international law surrounding the issue. Continue reading
The dust hasn’t settled after last Thursday’s unexpected hung Parliament in the snap UK general election. Theresa May’s decision to call the election while ahead by over 20 points in the polls has spectacularly backfired, forcing the Conservatives into a frantic search for parliamentary allies willing to support them in forming a minority government. At this stage the most likely partner appears to be the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) of Northern Ireland. Here we give you a rundown of who the DUP are and what they stand for. Continue reading
So how does the British election system actually work? This is a question that many people will be asking on Thursday – including many Brits. The British public is going to the polls following the call for a snap election by PM May on April 19. We will be covering the results when they come in but today we are looking at just how the British election system works.
Foreign intervention in democratic elections is a hot political topic in the US and the West in general. Allegations of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign during the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election have overshadowed the start of 45th president’s first term in office, leading to the appointment of a special counsel to investigate ties between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. In this new blog series, we will explore the topic of foreign intervention in elections. Here we begin with the latest political science theory behind election interference. Continue reading
In 2015, POLYAS, in cooperation with Micromata GmbH and the Technical University (TU) in Darmstadt, Germany, founded the FlexiVote research project. The idea was to create a digital construction kit, which could be used to help build democratic elections. The end of 2016 saw it completed – today we are taking a look at the implications of FlexiVote.